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Exquisite Handwoven Persian Rugs in Pasadena, CA

Global Liquidation Company sells fine antique oriental and Persian rugs in Pasadena, CA. We offer fine hand-knotted wool and silk rugs in various colors, shapes, and styles. We have the largest selection of Oriental and Persian rugs, with millions of dollars of exquisite inventory. We guarantee low prices for incredible value, and we offer a certificate of authenticity with every rug sold. We welcome lifetime exchanges and trade-ins from our private collection for purchased rugs of equal value. Our collection includes antique, semi-antique, and new rugs imported from all over the world.

stack of rugs

Wash & Restore Your Carpet

We provide professional cleaning and restoration services to renew your rug’s deep colors, softness, and shine. We use organic soap and wash your rug by hand to restore the richness and softness of the original wool, silk, or cotton. We help increase the longevity of your carpet by loosening and eliminating dirt, dust, and oils from the rug fibers. This prevents further wear from dirt particles that can abrade the foundation of the knots. We also provide expert rug restoration for antique pieces that have acquired damage. An experienced professional conducts restoration.

stack of rugs

We’ll Take Old Rugs Off Your Hands

If you have an antique, Oriental, or Persian rug you’re trying to get rid of, we’ve got you covered. We purchase old, antique, and semi-antique rugs for a value price. We’ll help determine your rug’s value and pay you what it’s worth. We are especially interested in unique and rare rugs with unusual colors or patterns. Work with us to appraise and purchase your rug from a reputable dealer. We buy rugs from all over the world. Reach out to us to see what your rug is worth and add it to our collection.

Find Out What Your Rug Is Worth

Our expert appraisal services accurately evaluate your rug to determine its worth, guard against financial loss, and provide necessary records for insurance and estate planning. An appraisal can help protect your rug if it gets damaged, lost, or stolen. An appraisal offers added security and demonstrate ownership for owners wanting to move their rug. It will also determine the monetary worth of your rug for selling or donating. An evaluation gives you the information you need to include your rug as a charitable donation for tax returns.

Global Liquidation Company

100 N Lake Ave
Pasadena, CA 91101

Monday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: closed
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Global Liquidation Company

100 N Lake Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101, USA

Visit One of Our Locations Today